
After having worked for 30 years as a geophysicist or geologist I resigned from Shell in March 2015. I spent March – October 2015 walking from the North Sea to the Mediterranean.

I have mostly worked technical; developing exploration plays, drilling exploration and development wells, making static models. But I have always had an interest in the financial and economical side of the oil and gas industry. When I stopped walking I started writing: papers on energy (with a focus on oil and gas) and the energy transition. Mainly out of curiosity – to better understand the industry I have been working in for so long. I am putting these papers on this site and intend to continue to do so until the travelling bug gets the best of me again.

As an energy analyst I aim to provide in-depth, high-quality information and analyses on energy, the oil and gas industry, oil and gas markets and the energy transition.

From January 2017 onwards I have been writing a column on IEX.nl (the largest website for Dutch investors).

From January 2018 onwards I have been writing columns and articles on Energeia (the energy section of het Financieele Dagblad).

From January 2020 onwards I am an energy specialist at the Dutch think tank HCSS (The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies).

Academic papers (HCSS, OIES) and Energy Post papers are in English. Energeia columns,  IEX columns en Trilemma (Energeia) achtergrond artikelen zijn in het Nederlands.

I regularly give presentations on the oil and gas industry and the energy transition (Oil markets, US shale, Dutch gas industry, Groningen gas, Hydrogen, Implications of the energy transition for the industry, etc).

I can be contacted at jwjamvandenbeukel@yahoo.com

1 Response to About

  1. Elo Gramsbergen says:

    Ha Jilles,
    Je schrijft buitengewoon interessante artikelen. Zeer lezenswaardig!
    Laatst spraken we elkaar bij Gert in Haaksbergen. Jullie vertelden beiden enthousiast over een studiekeuze adviestraject van één dag.
    Onze zoons hebben hiervoor belangstelling. Heb je een bedrijfsnaam of website zodat wij ons in deze mogelijkheid kunnen verdiepen?
    Hartelijk dank alvast!
    Elo Gramsbergen.


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